Sunday 4 May 2014

Twinings- Everyday Tea with peppermint

One of the things Twinings is very good at is creating new blends and flavours, and at challenging consumers tastes. Their Everyday blends does this very well- it takes Twining's popular Everyday tea and adds something else- in this case peppermint. Peppermint tea is one that I have found to be an acquired taste!
Image from Twinings website

I am not a peppermint tea fan but my granny is. As soon as I poured water on the teabag, I could smell that distinctive peppermint aroma and it was as if my granny was in the kitchen with me. The tea itself is the "correct" colour. Now one of the ways the blenders at Twinings have made this tea accessible is by devising it so that milk can be added. I usually take my tea with milk so this was reassuring.

The first thought that I had on drinking this was that I had had a cup of tea too soon after brushing my teeth. My mouth was filled with the flavour of both tea and mint. It was nicer than expected and the black tea took away that "edge" that peppermint tea  has that has put me off previously. It's actually quite refreshing and by cup number three I was really enjoying it. Although it's "everyday" tea it's not one I would have everyday, but now and then it makes something different.

In the end, Twinings has done what it set out to do- it reeled me in with a mix of the familiar and unfamilliar. I liked it, and I then felt inspired to try peppermint tea by itself. And you know what, it wasn't as bad as I expected!

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